
Active & Safe Central is a resource for children, youth and adults who engage in or facilitate sport and recreational activities, providing information on common injuries, risk factors, and injury prevention for their activity of choice. This website is based on current and available research evidence from around the world.

Sports and recreational activity-related injuries have a substantial cost in terms of reduced productivity, impact on the health care system, and overall quality of life. Despite the associated risk, recreational activity has substantial health benefits and should not be avoided. Sport and recreation as a form of physical activity is a strategy for maintaining a healthy weight and the prevention of a number of health-related conditions, including cardiovascular disease, diabetes, and certain types of cancer. This resource was created to address gaps in the availability of sport and recreational activity injury prevention resources.

About the BC Injury Research and Prevention Unit (BCIRPU)

The BCIRPU was established in August 1997 and is located at BC Children’s Hospital as a core research program within the Evidence to Innovation theme of the research institute. BCIRPU also serves as a training centre, and several staff members at the Unit hold faculty appointments at the University of British Columbia. BCIRPU was established as a strategic entity, blending the need for research and evidence with best practices and the development of policies and programs to reduce injury in BC. Through its many partnerships and collaborations, BCIRPU is a leader in the development and evaluation of evidence-based prevention strategies, and has a solid reputation among provincial, national, and international injury prevention communities. BCIRPU is a strategic leader in effective prevention strategies to help keep people out of hospital, reduce crisis care intervention, and to create a healthier, more active, and productive population.

Project Team

Shelina Babul, PhD
Amanda Black, PhD
Samantha Bruin, BA
Ian Pike, PhD
Sarah Richmond, PhD
Kate Turcotte, MSc

BCCH Digital Lab

John Jacob, MBA, MSc
Kohei Yoshino, MBA
Juan Tellez, BSc
Maggie Caspar
Amy Wang, BASc
Brendan Azzano
Kevin Quach
Jenny Huang


Shazhan Amed, MD, MSc
Heather Beatty, BSM
Holly-Anne Burrows, BA
Kerri Downer, BKin
Carolyn Emery, PhD
Pamela Fuselli, MSc
Tommy Gerschman, MD, MSc
Robert Joncas, MSc
Kerry MacDonald, PhD
Alison Macpherson, PhD
Kati Pasanen, PhD
Janet Rerecich, MEd
Kelly Russell, PhD
Philippe Saucier, BSc
Jack Taunton, MD, MSc
Nani Woolings, MSc

Canadian Injury Prevention Trainee Network

Olivier Audet, PhD (c)
Tracy Blake, PhD
Tessa Clemens, PhD
Christian Clermont, MSc
Amy Couptherwaite, PhD (c)
Paul Eliason, MSc
Allison Ezzat, PhD (c)
Liraz Fridman, PhD
Leticia Janzen, BKin
Kayla Kashluba, MSc (c)
Maciek Krolikowski, MSc
Oluwatoyosi Oweye, PhD
Peter Polyzotis, MSc
Tatum Priyambada Mitra, BSc, BKin
Clodagh Toomey, PhD
Carla van den Berg, MSc
Devon Williams MSc
Krystle Wittevrongel, MPP

Project Collaborators

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BC Injury Research and Prevention Unit
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Suggested Reference

BC Injury Research and Prevention Unit. (2025). Active and Safe Central. Retrieved from https://activesafe.ca/.